What could be better than your own pair of cute pink and red, heart covered, sunglasses? and a handful.. well.. make that a mouth full of cadbury chocolate eggs? Not much.
Ashlyn was so cute yesterday, she had been playing around with Jake's sunglasses that morning, and was bending them all out of shape. So I got out these cheap little glasses that I had bought over christmas in utah. I had let her play with them before, but she never was very interested. But, I guess all in good time, because she had a lot of fun with them yesterday.
She was trying to put the shades on the apple she was eating, so I pitched in and helped get them balanced just right. Now, every time she sees this picture, she is convinced that the apple has eyes.
Here is the cheesy grin I got when I first pulled out my camera. She was so proud of herself, and walked around in her glasses almost the entire day. What a silly little miss...
Oh Sara she is so cute!! And what a personality!! I told mom, I hope my kids are that cute some day!!