sorry the pics are pretty bad this time around.. but little miss schmutz was being very cute, but not very still. Anyways, she's got a whole list of new tricks up her sleeve, but the funnest one is when she goes and hides. She usually sits around and waits for someone to find her (like this morning in the coat closet). She also likes to hide when she is doing something she is embarrassed about (aka. messing her diaper... if I catch her while she is busy she will wave at me and say "bye bye".. or.. in other words.. "a little privacy please?") or when she is doing something she is not suppose to be doing (aka. drawing on the carpet with lipstick).
She's finally figuring out that there are things that she is not "suppose" to be doing. For the longest time she never got that concept. She would do something, something bad would happen, and she never realized that she caused it. But I think she's finally starting to understand that, but now it has made for harder days since I am having to teach her what she can do and reinforce all the rules.
She is also starting to talk a lot more and she understands almost anything I say (which is so nice). She knows how to say half a dozen animal sounds (what a cow says, kittie, doggie, birdie, lion - we are working on). And she knows how to say, and find, her nose, eye, mouth, ear, fingers, toes, and occasionally her checks, chin, eyebrows, and hair. But, the cutest things she says are - "buh bye, wuv oo" (translation - bye bye, love you... and she says it whenever Jake or I are leaving) and she has started to pick up "eew" for when either she is messy or she sees something that is messy.
And, what an imagination this child has! She loves to growl like a lion, and loves it even more when I do it back to her. She is always coming up with some new little game she is playing and usually dragging a little stuffed animal or two along with her. Last night at dinner she had a straw in her water.. before I knew what was going on, she had decided that the little bent straw was a "birdie" and it was "cawing" (like a crow) and flying around her cup... silly kiddo.
So, I know everyone likes lots of pictures, But I just had to write these things down, even if I do sound a little scatter brained.. hopefully I will come through and edit this to be more enjoyable to read.
But, the picture above, is of this morning. I tried to help ashlyn get dressed, but this is what she ended up picking out for herself... gotta love the matching she also had on the light pink and white polka dot and striped tights - way too busy! but I guess that just shows off her personality better..
I don't know what you're talking about - these pictures are so adorable! I loved that you took the time to write down all about what Miss Schmutz is up to also. They just grow up and learn new things so fast!