Finals week is in full swing over at our little house. This week is usually consumed with Ashlyn and I trying to bug Jake while he studies... And then Jake trying to ignore us.
Little miss schmutz and I aren't the best at this finals week business.
But the picture above was such a cute setup. Jake was studing when Ashlyn climbed aboard the couch and wiggled her way next to her Daddy with her new book. She then proceeded to read her book to herself while Jake studied. They both enjoyed the multi-tasking time spent together.
But even after Jake had gone off to school, my little miss continued to keep herself occupied with her new bunny book. {...side note...i.can't.wait.for.easter...} Ashlyn really does have a soft spot in her heart for animals; even if she has decided that she doesn't really enjoy doggies. Kitties, squirrels, birdies, bunnies and stuffed giraffes are still favorites.
That's so cute! She's studying just like her daddy!