Wednesday, February 10, 2010

rub.a.dub.dub.. an ashlyn in a tub..

 my little miss schmutz has finally found the joys of playing in the bath tub. She has never really enjoyed it all that much. She would usually just tolerate the ordeal, splash a bit, and then be happy when the time came for her to be wrapped in a warm towel and rushed away.

 Well something finally clicked in Ashlyn. And that "something" was the realization that she could not play with any of her brightly colored, animal shaped bath toys unless she was taking a bath.

 So now, she is asking for a bath almost every morning.. sometimes even before breakfast!

 I don't mind. True to "Ashlyn fashion" she will still cry if I leave her in there by herself. So I usually grab my Young Women's manual and go sit on the bathroom floor and prepare my sunday lesson while little miss schmutz busily fills and empties buckets, and pretends with her little toys.

1 comment:

  1. How nice :) I love watching Taylor play in the bath. But, I'm supprised it's taken Ashlyn this long to learn to love the bath :)
