Thursday, February 18, 2010

an exploration of individuality...

 we have reached the mark. the point of no return. our dear sweet little miss schmutz is starting to have an opinion in matters that concern her - food, toys we play with, and... oh dear... what clothes she wears.

 Now, don't get me wrong.. I LOVE her rain coat and hat. please just continue to read the story to find out what happened...

 The morning began as usual. breakfast. maybe watch curious george. and, not far into that morning was the promise of a "walk" introduced. no more needed to be said about the subject. "shoes!" ashlyn squealed and ran to find the appropriate pair of footwear; this expression of individuality i, almost, have no problem with. she usually is very good and finding the shoes i want her to wear.

our problem all started when the realization that little miss schmutz did not have on a coat. if there is one thing she knows, it is that she must have shoes and a coat on before she may venture outdoors. we opened the closet to see what coats she still had available to wear, as i had not done laundry for the week and she is amazing at dirtying coats, jackets, and whatever clothes she happens to have on.

as soon as that closet door slide open, her big round eyes spotted the coat. she quickly reached and grabbed the bright pink fabric and that is the end of story. there was no way that i was going to get her to wear any other

so, on that gorgeous, dry, sunshiny day in seattle paradise my daughter and i went on a walk.. with her rain coat on. i guess i can rest assured that she will never become a weather lady.


  1. LOL! That's so cute :) Taylor's starting to go through the same phase... his thing is that he LOVES his PJs with "socks" (cloth that cover his feet). He almost always throws a fit when I try to dress him in anything else.

  2. Btw, you should think about writing a book someday. I love your writing style! It's so fun and authentic.
